Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Longer Journey Begins!

Little bean, whom I think will be a boy, had a nice little heartbeat yesterday!! I saw it on the screen and it was the most precious thing!!! It is beating at 100bpm which is in range (90 -110) for six weeks! I have an EDD of July 20, 2009!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


We had 4 positive hpt's leading up to our positive first beta test on November 13th. My hcG number was 247.7. We are definitely pregnant! We have another beta on November 17th to see what the numbers have done! YAY!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reservations Complete!

On Thursday October 30th (10/30) at 10:30 we had our transfer! We have four embryos and they thawed two and both survived! Those two precious embryos are in Mommy's belly and I hope they plan to stay there for nine months! Both embryos were 7 cells when they started and 10 cells at transfer! We are so excited! We will officially test on November 13th and should have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Thank you for following this journey with us!